张传亮 副教授
1) 化学制药工艺学:32课时,约60人;
2) 制药过程安全与环境评价:32课时,约60人。
1) Zhang, C.*; Yang, X.; Meng, X.; Wu, L.; Liu, X.; Gao, J.; Liu, S.; Wu, J.; Huang, D.; Wang, Z.; et al. Discovery of Novel PTP1B Inhibitors with Once-Weekly Therapeutic Potential for Type 2 Diabetes: Design, Synthesis, and In Vitro and In Vivo Investigations of BimBH3 Peptide Analogues. J. Med. Chem. 2023, 66, 4, 3030–3044.(中科院1区Top,IF=8.039)
2) Zhang, C.*; Gao, J.; Yang, X.; Song, S.; Huang, D.; Wang, Z.; Sun, H.; Liu, H.; Su, X. Design, synthesis and antibacterial activity of a class of novel molecular engineering analogues of Tachyplesin I. Phytochem. Lett. 2022, 52, 54-58.(中科院4区,IF=1.873)
3) Zhang, C*.; Wu, L.; Liu, X.; Gao, J.; Liu, S.; Wu, J.; Huang, D.; Wang, Z.; Su, X. Discovery of Novel PTP1B Inhibitors Derived from the BH3 Domain of Proapoptotic Bcl-2 Proteins with Antidiabetic Potency. ACS Med. Chem. Lett. 2021, 12, 6, 1017–1023. (中科院2区,IF=4.632)
4) Zhang, C.; Li, X.; Song, D.; Ling, Y.; Zhou, Y.; Yang, X.*, Synthesis, aphicidal activity and conformation of novel insect kinin analogues as potential eco-friendly insecticides. Pest Manage. Sci, 2020, 76, 3432-3439. (中科院1区Top,IF=4.462)
5) X. Lu, L. Wu, X. Liu, S. Wang*, C. Zhang*, BH3 mimetics derived from Bim-BH3 domain core region show PTP1B inhibitory activity. Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. 2019, 29, 244-247. (中科院3区,IF=2.940)
6) Su, F.; Song, Q.; Zhang, C.; Xu, X.; Li, M.; Yao, D.; Wu, L.; Qu, X.; Guan, H.; Yu, G., A β-1, 3/1, 6-glucan from Durvillaea Antarctica inhibits tumor progression in vivo as an immune stimulator. Carbohydr. Polym. 2019, 114993.(中科院1区Top,IF=10.723)
7) Zhang, C.; Liu S.; Liu X.; Gao J.; Wang S.*, Discovery of novel inhibitors of anti-apoptotic Bcl-2 proteins derived from Bim BH3 domain. Chin. Chem. Lett., 2017, 28(7): 1523-1527. (中科院1区Top,IF=8.455)
8) Zhang, C.; Qu, Y.; Wu, X.; Song, D.; Ling, Y.; Yang, X., Eco-Friendly Insecticide Discovery via Peptidomimetics: Design, Synthesis, and Aphicidal Activity of Novel Insect Kinin Analogues. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 4527-4532.(中科院1区Top,IF=5.895)
9) Zhang, C.; Qu, Y.; Wu, X.; Song, D.; Ling, Y.; Yang, X., Design, synthesis and aphicidal activity of N-terminal modified insect kinin analogs. Peptides 2015, 68, 233-238.(中科院3区3,IF=3.867)
10) Chuanliang Zhang *, Lijuan Wu, Xiaochun Liu, Jiangming Gao, Shan Liu, Juan Wu, Xianjun Qu, Xianbin Su, Discovery of Peptide Analogues of BH3 Domain of Pro-apoptotic Proteins as Novel PTP1B Inhibitors with Antidiabetic Potency in vitro and in Vivo, Abstracts of Papers, The16th Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Hefei, Anhui, P.R. China, Sep. 25-27th, 2020. (国际会议论文)
11) Zhang, C.; Qu, Y.; Wu, X.; Ling, Y.; Song, D.; Yang, X., Insect kinins mimetics: Design, synthesis, and aphicidal activity as potential bioinsecticides. Abstracts of Papers, 248th ACS National Meeting & Exposition, San Francisco, CA, United States, August 10-14, 2014, AGRO-336.(国际会议论文,SCI收录)
12) Chuan-liang Zhang, Yan-yan Qu , Xiao-qing Wu, Yun Ling, Dun-lun Song, Xi-li Liu, Xin-ling Yang, Design, synthesis and bioactivity of novel insect kinin analogs. Invertebrate Neuropeptide Conference 2015, Bagan, Myanmar, Feb. 15-19, 2015. (国际会议论文)
13) Chuanliang Zhang, Yanyan Qu, Xiaoqing Wu, Yun Ling, Dunlun Song, Xinling Yang, Eoo-friendly insecticide discovery via peptidomimetics: Design, synthesis and aphicidal activity of insect kinin analogs. The 13th Chinese International Peptide Symposium, Datong, Shanxi, China, June 30th- July 4th, 2014, pp. 114.(国际会议论文)
14) Xie, Y.; Zhang, L.; Zhang, C.; Wu, X.; Deng, X.; Yang, X.; Tobe, S. S., Synthesis, Biological Activity, and Conformational Study of N-Methylated Allatostatin Analogues Inhibiting Juvenile Hormone Biosynthesis. J. Agric. Food Chem. 2015, 63, 2870-2876. (中科院1区Top,IF=5.895)
15) Xie, Y.; Zhang, L.; Wu, X. Q.; Zhang, C. L.; Yang, X. L.; Tobe, S. S., Probing the active conformation of FGLamide allatostatin analogs with N-terminal modifications using NMR spectroscopy and molecular modeling. Peptides 2015, 68, 214-218. (中科院3区3,IF=3.867)
1) 张传亮,一组Tachyplesin I抗菌肽衍生物及其制备方法和应用,授权专利号:ZL202111133737.7;
2) Chuanliang Zhang, New BH3 mimetic peptide analogue for inhibiting PTP1B activity and application thereof, International Application NO: PCT/CN2021/087669;
3) 张传亮,苏贤斌,黄鼎旻,王振炜,一类抑制PTP1B活性的新型BH3模拟肽类似物及其应用,授权专利号:ZL202011518318.0;
4) 张传亮 ,王树林,路晓,吴丽娟,以PTP1B为靶点的新型BH3模拟肽化合物及其制备方法和应用,授权专利号:ZL201811517551.X.;
5) 张传亮; 王树林; 路晓; 吴丽娟; 柳晓春; 蔡兵; 管华诗,一类PTP1B多肽抑制剂及其制备方法和应用,授权专利号:ZL201711313716.7;
6) Chuanliang Zhang, Xianbing Su, Dingmin Huang, Zhenwei Wang,Novel BH3 Mimetic Peptide Compounds Targeting PTP1B, Preparation Method and Application Thereof,2021/05/17, Filing NO. LU500160.
7) 杨新玲,张传亮,凌云,宋敦伦,汪梅子,吴小庆,一类新型昆虫激肽类似物及其应用,授权专利号:ZL201510076989.9;
8) 杨新玲,张传亮,凌云,宋敦伦,刘西莉,汪梅子,吴小庆,张喆,一类昆虫激肽类似物及其应用,授权专利号: ZL201510415955.8。
1) 张传亮,苏贤斌,黄鼎旻,王振炜,一种PTP1B多肽抑制剂BimBH3-12-R7A及其应用,专利申请号:CN202210966082.X;
2) 张传亮,苏贤斌,黄鼎旻,王振炜,一种PTP1B多肽抑制剂BimBH3-12-Q3A及其应用,专利申请号:CN202210965783.1;
3) 张传亮,苏贤斌,黄鼎旻,王振炜,一种PTP1B多肽抑制剂BimBH3-12-G9A及其应用,专利申请号:CN202210965782.7;
4) 张传亮,苏贤斌,黄鼎旻,王振炜,一种PTP1B多肽抑制剂BimBH3-12-I8A及其应用,专利申请号:CN202210965785.0;
5) 张传亮 ,王树林,路晓,吴丽娟,以PTP1B为靶点的BIKBH3模拟肽化合物及其制备方法和应用,专利申请号:CN202210040752;
6) 张传亮 ,王树林,路晓,吴丽娟,以PTP1B为靶点的PUMABH3模拟肽化合物及其制备方法和应用,专利申请号:CN202210040746;
7) 张传亮 ,王树林,路晓,吴丽娟,以PTP1B为靶点的BIDBH3模拟肽化合物及其制备方法和应用,专利申请号:CN202210040752;
1) 省部共建生态化工协同创新中心优秀人才基金(XTCXYX17),连续流动绿色催化多肽合成研究,经费2万元,2022/01-2024/01,主持,在研;
2) 青岛科技大学高层次人才引进启动经费,20万元,2020/10至今,主持,在研;
3) 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目(21907086),Bcl-2家族促凋亡蛋白BH3模拟肽的合成与糖尿病相关作用靶点的确认研究,经费26万元,2020/01-2022/12,主持,结题;
4) 山东省自然科学基金优秀中青年科学家奖励基金(ZR2019BH088),基于双靶点的Bcl-2家族促凋亡蛋白BH3模拟肽的设计、合成与构效关系研究,经费10万元,2019/7-2022/6,主持,结题;
5) 青岛市科技发展计划(15-10-3-15-(28)-zch),海洋靶向新药筛选与创新平台建设, 2015/10-2018/10, 经费100万元,子课题主持(本人负责46万元),结题;
6) 青岛市博士后应用研究专项(861605040085),靶向Bcl-2多肽库的构建及应用研究, 2015/10-2017/10, 经费5万元,主持,结题;
7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目(21772181),一些海洋吲哚生物碱的合成与其生物靶点确认研究,经费66万元,2018/01-2021/12,第3位参与,在研;