[1] 生物化学(制药):32课时,本科生。
[2] 生物化学实验(制药):32课时,本科生。
[3] 制药设备与工艺设计:32课时,本科生。
[4] 制药工艺与技术:32课时,研究生。
1、 论文
[1] Shen Xin (7/8). One-pot synthesis of cysteine-rich peptide via ‘2, 2’-dithiobispyridine’mediated sulfur exchange reaction[J]. Tetrahedron Letters, 2024, 141: 155057.
[2] Shen Xin (3/4). Graphene oxide-functionalized molecular beacon for real-time interference-free detection of Ki-67 mRNA in living cells[J]. Talanta, 2024, 278: 126538.
[3] Shen Xin (7/8). Influence of PEG-PLGA nanoparticles on the pore structure of injectable and self-healing hydrogels based on carboxymethyl chitosan/aldehyde sodium hyaluronate for prolonged sustained release of valsartan[J]. Polymers for Advanced Technologies, 2024, 35(1): e6200.
[4] Shen Xin (2/3). Carbon quantum dots as ROS-generator and -scavenger: A comprehensive review[J]. Dyes and Pigments, 2022, 208: 110784.
[5] Shen Xin (5/7). Nanoparticle-mediated tumor vaccines for personalized therapy: preparing tumor antigens in vivo or ex vivo?[J]. Journal of Materials Chemistry B, 2021, 9(10): 2352-2366.
[6] Shen Xin (1/5). The crosstalk of ABCA1 and ANXA1: A potential mechanism for protection against atherosclerosis[J]. Molecular Medicine, 2020, 26(1): 84.
[7] Shen Xin (1/5). Biocompatibility and paclitaxel/cisplatin dual-loading of nanotubes prepared from poly (ethylene glycol)-polylactide-poly (ethylene glycol) triblock copolymers for combination cancer therapy[J]. Saudi Pharmaceutical Journal, 2019, 27(7): 1025-1035.
[8] Shen Xin (1/7). Biocompatibility of filomicelles prepared from poly (ethylene glycol)-polylactide diblock copolymers as potential drug carrier[J]. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2017, 28(15): 1677-1694.
[9] Shen Xin (1/6). In vitro biocompatibility evaluation of bioresorbable copolymers prepared from L-lactide, 1, 3-trimethylene carbonate, and glycolide for cardiovascular applications[J]. Journal of Biomaterials Science, Polymer Edition, 2015, 26(8): 497-514.
2、 专利
[1] 一种生物医药用微生物培养装置[P]. CN116948793A, 2023-07-26.
[2] 一种骨化三醇口服液及其制备方法[P]. CN116077432A, 2023-02-21.
[3] 一种用于氟骨化醇生产的制备方法[P]. CN114832757A, 2022-04-22.
[4] 一种植物提取液分离装置[P]. CN221358918U, 2023-12.27.
[5] 一种水凝胶混合注射针头[P]. CN215608405U, 2021-08-17.
1、 纵向项目
[1] 山东省自然科学基金青年项目,基于共聚物和抗体-光敏剂偶联物构建共载siRNA/PTX混合胶束对激素不敏感前列腺癌的治疗研究,2021-2023,结题,主持
[2] 青岛市博士后应用研究项目,基于光控释放的共载siRNA/PTX线状纳米管治疗激素不敏感前列腺癌研究,2019-2020,结题,主持
[3] 上海市卫计委科研课题,多基因协同靶向治疗激素不敏感前列腺癌的研究,2015-2017,结题,主持
2、 横向项目
[1] 新型药物递送载体的技术开发,在研,主持