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20236月获青岛科技大学工学博士学位,同年9月进入青岛科技大学化工学院任教。主要从事表面活性剂合成、化工过程模拟与系统集成、流体相平衡与热力学特性和分子辨识工程等领域研究。在EnergySeparation and Purification TechnologyJournal of Cleaner Production等高水平期刊上发表SCI论文10余篇,申请发明专利10余件,获国家级和省级学科竞赛奖励多项,获山东省优秀学生、山东省优秀毕业生、青岛市签名优秀大学生、青岛科技大学“年度人物”等称号



[1]   化学反应工程:56课时,本科生,80

[2]   化工原理课程设计: 48课时,本科生,80


[1] Hongru Zhang, Yuyang Jiao, Qing Zhao, Chen Li,Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*, Xin Li, Zhaoyou Zhu, Jun Gao. Sustainable separation of ternary azeotropic mixtures based on enhanced extractive distillation/pervaporation structure and multi-objective optimization. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2022, 298: 121685. (中科院一区,IF=9.136)

[2] Hongru Zhang, Qing Zhao, Mengjin Zhou, Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*, Zhaoyou Zhu, Jun Gao. Economic effect of an efficient and environmentally friendly extractive distillation/pervaporation process on the separation of ternary azeotropes with different compositions. J Clean. Prod., 2022, 346: 131179. (中科院一区,IF=11.072)

[3] Hongru Zhang, Fei Zhao, Zhaoyuan Ma, Xingyi Liu, Peizhe Cui, Jun Gao, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*. Design and optimization for the separation of cyclohexane-isopropanol-water using mixed extractants with thermal integration based on molecular mechanism. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2021, 266: 118541. (中科院一区,IF=9.136)

[4] Hongru Zhang, Yigang Liu, Xiaopeng Yu, Xiaomin Qiu, Yuanyuan Shen, Jingwei Yang, Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang*, Jun Gao. Application of green solvent to separate the minimum boiling point azeotrope based on molecular structure prediction and experimental verification. Sep. Purif. Technol., 2020, 240: 116601. (中科院一区,IF=9.136)

[5] Hongru Zhang1, Shuai Wang1, Jiaxuan Tang, Ningning Li, Yanan Li, Peizhe Cui, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*, Zhaoyou Zhu, Yixin Ma. Multi-objective optimization and control strategy of extractive distillation with dividing-wall column/pervaporation for separation of ternary azeotrope based on mechanism analysis. Energy. 2021, 229: 120774. (期刊约稿,中科院一区,IF=8.857)

[6] Hongru Zhang1, Shuai Wang1, Yasen Dai, Xiao Yang, Jiangang Zhao, Peizhe Cui, Zhaoyou Zhu, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*, Jun Gao. Multi-objective optimization of a clean, high-efficiency synthesis process of methyl-ethyl-ketone oxime from ammoximation. J Clean. Prod., 2021, 315: 128176. (中科院一区,IF=11.072)

[7] Hongru Zhang, Yusen Chen, Haiyang Cheng, Yangyang Wang, Peizhe Cui, Shiqing Zheng, Zhaoyou Zhu, Yinglong Wang*, Yanyue Lu*, Jun Gao. Comprehensive analysis on the economy and energy of pressure-swing distillation and pervaporation for separating waste liquid containing multiple complex components. Chinese J. Chem. Eng. 2023, 63: 12-20.

[8] Hongru Zhang, Bingjie Huo, Mengya Sun, Rongli Shan, Peizhe Cui, Jingwei Yang, Yinglong Wang*, Shiqing Zheng*. The mechanism explosion of separating binary azeotropic system with intermediate-boiling-point solvent based on vapor–liquid equilibrium experiment, quantum chemical calculation and molecular dynamics simulation. J Chem. Thermodyn., 2022, 168: 106730. (中科院二区,IF=3.269)


[1]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,22178188,混合溶剂动力学参数-组成-经济关联模型构建及其在萃取精馏中的作用规律研究,60万元,2020.01-2023.12,参与(3/10)

[2]    国家自然科学基金面上项目,22078166,胆碱类低共熔溶剂分离低碳醇共沸物的非线性机理及其模型构建,63万元,2021.01-2024.12,参与(8/10)

[3]    青岛市科技惠民专项,醇醚智能控制连续化反应安全技术的开发与应用,120万元,2023.04-2025.04,参与(12/19

[4]    2023.08-2026.08,北京泽华化学工程有限公司,中海油混合碳四制高碳醇装置实验服务,6.7万元,主持

[5]    2021年,山东新华制药股份有限公司,氯酮无溶剂连续化合成工艺技术(技术转让),540万元,参与


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