2019年获青岛科技大学博士学位(硕博连读),主要从事非稳态精馏过程强化、气液两相传质过程计算等领域研究,主持山东省自然科学基金1项,国家自然科学基金1项,作为主要参与人完成国家自然科学基金面上项目2项。授权国家发明专利10余项、在国内外高水平期刊《Chemical Engineering Science》、《Separation and Purification Technology》、《Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research》、《Applied Thermal Engineering》、《Journal of Cleaner Production》等发表论文30余篇,担任多个期刊的审稿人。2024年5月荣获第十四届青岛市青年科技奖,研究成果获2023年山东省科技进步奖一等奖(第11位)、2020年山东省高等学校优秀科研成果奖三等奖(第1位)、中国石油和化学工业联合会技术发明二等奖(第4位)。
1. 承担项目:
[1] 2023.01-2025.12,国家自然科学基金,考虑精馏边界与等挥发度曲线共变效应的萃取精馏非稳态过程变压调控机制研究,主持,在研。
[2] 2022.01-2024.12,山东省自然科学基金,非稳态精馏过程精馏边界时变规律及动态优化策略,主持,在研。
[3] 2023.07-2024.12,省部共建煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室,胆碱类低共熔溶剂辅助甲醇吸收酸性气体的强化机制与低温系统集成研究,主持,在研。
[4] 2023.07-2026.06,山东省科学技术厅,***功能涂料研究与应用(山东省重点研发计划项目子课题),主持,在研。
[1] 2022.02-2025.02,青岛海力加化学新材料有限公司,2万吨/年醇醚反应工艺及装置(技术秘密),120万元。
[2] 2023.10-2025.10,沾化大荣化工科技有限公司,六号油分离回收工艺,18.8万元。
[3] 2018.06-2021.06,山东新华制药股份有限公司,布洛芬钠盐连续汽提和脱色工程技术的开发,12万元。
[4] 2020.04-2025.04,山东新华制药股份有限公司,卡巴匹林钙母液连续化乙醇回收及产业化技术的开发,80万元。
[5] 2019.05-2022.05,山东新华制药股份有限公司,CWO后氨氧废水连续处理技术的开发,70万元。
[6] 2020.04-2023.04,新华制药(寿光)有限公司,工业亚硫酸铵还原剂连续化改造技术的开发,36万元。
[7] 2020.11-2023.11,山东新华制药股份有限公司,咖啡因氯仿萃取液汽提分离工艺,37.8万。
[8] 2021.09-2031.09,山东新华制药股份有限公司,卡巴匹林钙连续化合成工艺技术,106万元。
[9] 2021.12-2024.12,山东新华万博化工有限公司,丙烯新材料合成技术,295万元。
[10] 2022.06-2024.06,山东新华万博化工有限公司,丙烯新材料分离工艺,120万元。
[11] 2022.06-2025.06,青岛海力加化学新材料有限公司,1.5万吨/年醇醚酯反应分离连续化工艺,809万元。
[12] 2022.09-2025.08,京博农化科技有限公司,YCW环加成工段反应精馏强化改造工艺,120万元。
[13] 2022.10-2029.10,烟台新瑞环保科技有限公司,湿法催化氧化脱硫工艺全产业链技术开发,480万元。
[14] 2023.04-2026.04,山东新华制药股份有限公司,甾体激素资源化回收工艺开发,110万元。
[15] 2023.08-2026.08,北京泽华化学工程有限公司,中海油混合碳四制高碳醇装置实验服务,6.775万元。
2. 主要专利:
[1] 李鑫,陈政润,齐建光等,一种咪唑类离子液体分离碳酸二甲酯和甲醇的方法,中国,ZL202110498468.8. (授权发明专利)
[2] 李鑫,祁华清,李晨等,一种耦合气泡内部流动与泡外传质的显示实验方法与装置,中国,ZL202110498469.2. (授权发明专利)
[3] 李鑫,赵建刚,齐建光等,一种两塔变压间歇精馏分离己烷-乙醇-丁酮物系的方法,中国,ZL202110498470.5. (授权发明专利)
[4] 李鑫,齐建光,赵霏等,一种双塔变压间歇精馏分离乙酸乙酯-甲醇-水的方法及控制结构,中国,ZL202110498467.3. (授权发明专利)
[5] 李鑫,孟大朋,孟凡庆等,一种分离三元复杂共沸混合物环已烷/正丙醇/水的萃取精馏工艺[P],中国,ZL202110514367.5. (授权发明专利)
[6] 李鑫,王英龙,朱兆友等,一种变压间歇精馏-提馏分离正庚烷-异丁醇的节能工艺[P],中国,ZL202010316025.8. (授权发明专利)
[7] 李鑫,王英龙,朱兆友等,一种三塔间歇精馏分离四氢呋喃-甲醇-水的工艺[P],中国,ZL202010316029.6. (授权发明专利)
[8] 李鑫,赵建刚,王英龙等,环己烷-乙腈-甲苯共沸物的非均相间歇精馏分离工艺[P],中国,ZL202010335565. (授权发明专利)
[9] 李鑫, 张攀,陈光辉等,一种两相流上升气泡流体流动显示实验方法及实验装置[P],中国,ZL201810135432.1. (授权发明专利)
[10] 李鑫,陈超,朱兆友等,一种完全热集成变压间歇精馏分离二氯甲烷-甲醇的方法[P],中国,ZL201610286573.4. (授权发明专利)
[11] 李鑫,李树华,齐建光等,一种双塔变压精馏分离乙酸乙酯和乙醇的方法[P],中国,AU 2021105049. (授权发明专利)
3. 主要论文:
[1] Wenxin Wang, Yumeng Wang, Yinglong Wang, Zhaoyou Zhu, Haixia Li, Min Wang, Xin Li*, Xudong Song*, Performance analysis of reactive-extractive distillation for multi-azeotropic mixture based on the relationship between economy and conversion rate[J] Chemical Engineering Science, 2024, 296, 15: 120281.(SCI收录,化工top期刊,2区,IF = 4.1)
[2] Yumeng Wang, Wenxin Wang, Haixia Li, Peng Kou, Min Wang, Yinglong Wang, Zhaoyou Zhu, Xin Li*, Limei Zhong*, Peizhe Cui, A novel sustainable separation process based on special azeotropic behavior of benzene/ethanol/butanone: Process design and multi-performance evaluation[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2024, 334, 14: 125933.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 8.1)
[3] Haixia Li, Wenxin Wang, Yumeng Wang, Chen Li, Yinglong Wang, Zhaoyou Zhu, Peizhe Cui, Xin Li*, Yanshun Li, Dynamic real-time energy saving control of distillation process with and without heat integration based on artificial neural networks[J]. Chemical Engineering Science, 2023, 282: 119271.(SCI收录,化工top期刊,2区,IF = 4.1)
[4] Chen Li, Yuyang Jiao, Haixia Li, Yumeng Wang, Wenxin Wang, Xiong Zou, Zhaoyou Zhu, Xin Li*, Yinglong Wang*, Peizhe Cui, Process design and multi-objective optimization for separation of different feed composition of acetonitrile / ethanol / water with extractive distillation by varying pressure / pervaporation[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2023, 327: 124921.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 8.1)
[5] Xin Li, Haixia Li, Chen Li, Yumeng Wang, Wenxin Wang, Peizhe Cui, Zhaoyou Zhu*, Yinglong Wang, Process design and 4E analyses for recycling of green gasoline additive based on extractive and pressure-swing properties[J]. Separation and purification technology, 2023, 323:124454.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 8.1)
[6] Chen Li, Limei Zhong, Yinglong Wang, Defeng Sun, Yanan Li, Peizhe Cui, Baoming Shan, Zhaoyou Zhu*, Xin Li*, Process design and multi-objective optimization of efficient heat utilization distillation based on the influence of pressure and entrainer flow on separation performance[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2022, 379: 134848.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 9.7)
[7] Chen Li, Yinglong Wang, Guanghui Chen, Quan Li, Xinchun Gu, Xin Li*, et al., Thermodynamic analysis and process optimization of organosilicon distillation systems[J]. Energy, 2022, 252: 124006.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 9.0)
[8] Jiangang Zhao, Yanli Zhang, Huaqing Qi, Xin Li*, et al., Process design and intensification for the clean separation of ternary multi-azeotropes system via special distillation coupled with reaction[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2021: 129520.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 9.7)
[9] Haixia Li, Chen Li, Min Yan, Yinglong Wang, Zhaoyou Zhu, Peizhe Cui, Xin Li*, Yanyue Lu*, Comprehensive analysis and energy efficient process design for separation of four high purity components from organosilicon system[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2023, 170: 229-240.(SCI收录,2区,IF = 6.9)
[10] Jiangang Zhao, Zhaoyou Zhu∗, Zhaoyuan Ma, Fei Zhao, Xiao Yang, Yinglong Wang, Peizhe Cui, Xin Li*, et al., Double-column batch stripper process based on heterogeneous property and control strategy for the efficient separation of a ternary mixture containing two minimum boiling azeotropes[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2021, 148: 1123-1132.(SCI收录,2区,IF = 6.9)
[11] Yinglong Wang, Xiao Yang, Jiangang Zhao, Xingyi Liu, Dong Yao, Peizhe Cui, Zhaoyou Zhu, Xin Li*, et al., Design and comprehensive analysis of a novel pressure-swing batch distillation process for the separation of a binary azeotrope with various boiling behaviors[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2020, 251: 117329.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 8.1)
[12] Xin Li, Pan Zhang, Guanghui Chen, et al., Waste minimization and efficient disposal of particles in optimized organic silicon production[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020, 242: 118445.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 9.7)
[13] Zhaoyou Zhu, Xiaopeng Yu, Yixin Ma, Jingwei Yang, Yinglong Wang, Peizhe Cui, Xin Li*, et al., Efficient extractive distillation design for separating binary azeotrope via thermodynamic and dynamic analyses[J]. Separation and Purification Technology, 2019: 116425.(SCI收录,1区,IF = 8.1)
[14] Xin Li, Xueli Geng, Peizhe Cui, et al., Thermodynamic efficiency enhancement of pressure-swing distillation process via heat integration and heat pump technology[J]. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019, 154: 519-529.(SCI收录,2区,IF = 6.1)
[15] Xin Li, Yongteng Zhao, Bin Qin, et al., Optimization of Pressure-Swing Batch Distillation with and without Heat Integration for Separating Dichloromethane/Methanol Azeotrope Based on Minimum Total Annual Cost[J]. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2017, 56: 4104-4112. (SCI收录,化工top期刊,3区,IF = 3.8)
[16] Xin Li, Xiao Yang, Shuai Wang, et al., Separation of ternary mixture with double azeotropic system by a pressure-swing batch distillation integrated with quasi-continuous process[J]. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2019, 128:85-94. (SCI收录,1区,IF = 6.9)
[17] Xin Li, Shuai Wang, Yinglong Wang, et al., Optimization of decanter temperature in separating partially miscible homoazeotrope to reduce cost and energy consumption[J]. Journal of Chemical Technology and Biotechnology, 2019, 94:1998-2008.(SCI收录,4区,IF = 2.8)
[18] Xin Li, Weiwen Wang, Pan Zhang, et al., Interactions between gas-liquid mass transfer and bubble behaviors[J]. Royal Society Open Science, 2019, 6:190136.(SCI收录,3区)
[19] Xin Li, Pan Zhang, Jianlong Li, et al., Analysis of deformation and internal flow patterns for rising single bubbles in different liquids[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2019, 27: 745-758.(SCI收录,3区)
[20] 李鑫, 张攀, 陈光辉等, 液相中气泡上升行为与界面传质:实验研究与数值计算[J], 化工进展, 2019, 38(2): 740-751.