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工作职位: 制药工程教研室 硕士生导师

办公地址: 青岛科技大学CCF-1103

工作邮箱: gww501@qust.edu.cn

20186月毕业于西南大学有机化学专业,获理学博士学位。20189-至今,在青岛科技大学化工学院从事科研与教学工作。主要研究方向为:生物有机药物合成、电化学传感器、纳米材料的制备与生物应用等。发表SCI学术论文30余篇,以第一作者或通讯作者在European Journal of Medicinal ChemistryScience China ChemistrySensors and Actuators B ChemicalAdvanced Healthcare MaterialsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesCelluloseCarbohydrate PolymersJournal of The Electrochemical SocietyMicrochemical JournalMaterials Letters等国内外学术期刊发表SCI收录学术论文20余篇,其中,ESI高被引论文1篇,被国际学术大奖学术委员会初步选为2022学术年研究奖1篇。申请国家发明专利7项,授权4项。








[1] Zi-Yang Liao#, Wei-Wei Gao#,*, Ning-Ning Shao, Jia-Min Zuo, Tao Wang, Meng-Zhen Xu, Feng-Xiu Zhang, Ya-Mu Xia*. Iron phosphate nanozyme-hydrogel with multienzyme-like activity for efficient bacterial sterilization. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 2022, 14, 18170–18181. (IF = 10.383)

[2] Zi-Yang Liao#, Ya-Mu Xia#, Jia-Min Zuo, Tao Wang, Da-Tong Hu, Ming-Zhe Li, Ning-Ning Shao, Dong Chen, Kai-Xin Song, Xuan Yu, Xin-Yue Zhang, Wei-Wei Gao*. Metal-organic framework modified MoS2 nanozyme for synergetic combating drug-resistant bacterial infections via photothermal effect and photodynamic modulated peroxidase-mimic activity. Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022, 11, 2101698 (IF = 11.092).

[3] Kai-Xin Song, Dong Chen, Zi-Yang Liao, Xuan Yu, Fei-Fei Guo, Ri-Lei Yu, Meng-Zhen Xu, Ya-Mu Xia*, Wei-Wei Gao*. Label-free electrochemical detection of genetic damage induced by the interaction of a novel potential aminoanthraquinone-derived antitumor agent with DNA modified electrode. Sensors and Actuators B. Chemical, 2022, 352, 131036. (IF = 9.221)

[4] Peng-Li Zhang, Mouna Hind Laiche, Yan-Liang Li, Wei-Wei Gao*, Jian-Mei Lin*, Cheng-He Zhou*. An unanticipated discovery of novel naphthalimidopropanediols as potential broad-spectrum antibacterial members, European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2022, 241, 114657. (IF = 7.088)

[5] Dong Chen, Xuan Yu, Yue Qin, Zi-Yang Liao, Tong Li, Fei-Fei Guo, Kai-Xin Song, Ri-Lei Yu, Ya-Mu Xia*, Wei-Wei Gao*. Electrochemical detection of DNA damage caused by novel potential 2-nitroimidazole naphthalimide-based hypoxia tumor-targeting agent with mimimum side effects. Microchemical Journal, 2022, 178, 107435. (IF = 5.304)

[6] Ya-Mu Xia, Meng Xia, Yan Zhao, Meng-Yin Li, Xiang Ou, Wei-Wei Gao*. Photocatalytic electrochemical sensor based on three-dimensional graphene nanocomposites for the ultrasensitive detection of CYFRA21-1 gene. Microchemical Journal, 2021, 166, 106245. (IF = 5.304)

[7] Wei-Wei Gao, Lavanya Gopala, Rammohan R. Yadav Bheemanaboina, Guo-Biao Zhang, Shuo Li*, Cheng-He Zhou*. Discovery of 2-aminothiazolyl berberine derivatives as novel effectively antibacterial agents toward clinical drug-resistant Gram-negative Acinetobacter baumanii. European Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 2018, 146, 15–37. (IF = 7.088) (ESI高被引)

[8] Feng-Xiu Zhang (硕士导师), Wei-Wei Gao, Ya-Ling Jia, Yi Lu, Guang-Xian Zhang*. A concise water-solvent synthesis of highly effective, durable, and eco-friendly flame-retardant coating on cotton fabrics. Carbohydrate Polymers, 2018, 199, 256–265. (IF = 10.723)

[9] Wei-Wei Gao, Syed Rasheed, Vijai Kumar Reddy Tangadanchu, Yi Sun, Xin-Mei Peng, Yu Cheng, Feng-Xiu Zhang, Jian-Mei Lin*, Cheng-He Zhou*. Design, synthesis and biological evaluation of amino organophosphorus imidazoles as a new type of potential antimicrobial agents. SCIENCE CHINA Chemistry, 2017, 60, 769–785. (IF = 10.138) (国内T)

[10] Wei-Wei Gao, Guang-Xian Zhang*, Feng-Xiu Zhang*. Enhancement of flame retardancy of cotton fabrics by grafting a novel organic phosphorous-based flame retardant. Cellulose, 2015, 22, 2787–2796. (IF = 6.123)


[1] Wei-Wei Gao, Yong-Hua Lu, Fang Xu, Guang-Xian Zhang, Feng-Xiu Zhang. Study of a novel phosphorus-containing flame retardant for cotton fabric. IOP Conf. Series: Materials Science and Engineering, 2015, 87, 012107 (EI收录).

[2] Wei-Wei Gao, Feng-Xiu Zhang, Cheng-He Zhou. Effect of imidazoliums on the activity and stability of enzymes. Abstracts for CCS & The 9th National Organic Chemistry Conference, July 28-31, 2015, Changchun, China, p991.

[3] Wei-Wei Gao, Nagarajan Sangaraiah, Rasheed Syed, Feng-Xiu Zhang, Cheng-He Zhou. Synthesis of the first phosphonate bis-tetrazoles as fluconazole analogs. Abstracts for CCS & The 12th National Synthetic Organic Chemistry Symposium, October 15-18, 2015, Guilin, China, p142.

[4] Wei-Wei Gao, Jeyakkumar Ponmani, Cheng-He Zhou. The effect of metal ions on supramolecular transportation of organophosphorus imidazole by human serum albumin. Abstracts for The 18th Macrocyclic Chemistry and 10th Symposium of Supramolecular Chemistry, August 25-28, 2016, Changsha, China, p223. Honored “Best Poster Award”.

[5] Wei-Wei Gao, Cheng-He Zhou, Feng-Xiu Zhang. Design and synthesis of phosphonates triazole derivatives prodrugs. Abstracts for CMCS 2015 & 5th CPA-RSC Symposium, August 23-26, 2015, Lanzhou, China.

[6] Wei-Wei Gao, Vijai Kumar Reddy Tangadanchu, Cheng-He Zhou. Aminothiazolyl tetrahydroprotoberberrubines as new potentially multi-targeting antibacterial agents. Abstracts for CMCS CPA-EFMC International Symposium Medicinal Chemistry, August 27-30, 2017, Beijing, China.


[1] 高巍伟, 夏亚穆, 廖姿杨, 王涛, 李明哲, 左嘉敏, 邵宁宁. 具有抗菌功能的MOF复合材料及其制备方法和应用, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 202110044669.0, 授权公告日: 2022.05.13.

[2] 周成合, 马迪丽丝维塔卡维斯瓦瑞玛 (Maddili Swetha Kameswari), 高巍伟. 席夫碱类咪唑并苯并噻唑化合物及其制备方法和应用, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 201810448911.9, 授权公告日: 2020.09.01.

[3] 周成合, 玛尼杰克库玛 (Ponmani Jeyakkumar), 高巍伟, 程宇, 张国彪, 坦咖丹初维加库玛瑞迪 (Tangadanchu Vijai Kumar Reddy). 烯酮键链的黄连素唑类衍生物制备方法和应用, 中国专利, 授权号: ZL 201611042916.9, 授权公告日: 2018.08.14.

[4] 张光先, 高巍伟, 周建凤, 张凤秀. 一种阻燃剂及其制备方法与应用, 中国专利, 授权公告号: CN 104975497 B, 授权公告日: 2017.03.22.


[1] 2021.01–2023.12,山东省自然科学基金,ZR2020QB168,基于植物源黄藤抗菌分子设计与多靶向性作用机制研究,在研,项目负责人。

[2] 2022.07–2023.06,中国轻工业绿色塑料成型技术与质量评价重点实验室开放课题,PQETGP2022002,新型生物基阻燃剂对聚乳酸燃烧行为影响机制,在研,项目负责人。

[3] 2021.07–2023.06,软物质材料化学与功能制造重庆市重点实验室开放课题,20210002,新型含膦耐久无甲醛棉用阻燃剂的研究,在研,项目负责人。

[4] 2021.08–2023.07,山东省多相流体反应与分离工程重点实验室开放课题2021MFRSE-D02,三氯氧磷氯化工艺废水处理研究——4,6-二氯嘧啶生产废水为例,在研,项目负责人。

[5] 2017.01–2020.12,国家自然科学基金,21672173,基于氨基噻唑超分子相互作用的抗菌药物设计及相关多靶向性研究,结题,主要参与人。

[6] 2019.032024.03,青岛科技大学高层次人才引进启动经费,210-010029049基于天然药物黄藤素类抗菌分子设计与多靶向研究,在研,项目负责人。


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